The centre manager from Barons Quay is hoping that the Northwich Business Improvement District (BID) receives the town’s backing later this year to continue for a second term.
In June, businesses within the BID area will be able to vote on whether a BID 2 is implemented or not and Lina Higuita has described how important the Northwich BID is, not only for Barons Quay but the town as a whole too.
“The added value the BID provides is a tremendous boost to the town with ongoing sustainable investment for a range of projects and services Northwich wouldn’t otherwise benefit from,” said Lina.
“The BID help create a positive sense of place and help enhance the feeling of safety in Northwich, providing community pride. This results in increased footfall and consumer spend leading to an increase in profits for all businesses,” Lina added.
She went on to explain how the BID has helped the Barons Quay development and the businesses within it over the last few years.
“We have worked jointly during all the events that the BID have organised with a particular presence in Barons Quay and have had the BID’s support in helping us promote a number of our own events.

“These include the opening of the River Park in partnership with Grozone, delivery of all summer activities and marketing towards the Beach on they Quay event last summer with an additional financial contribution towards the cost of the beach itself, support delivering the half term activities in November and a financial contribution towards our Christmas Grotto.
“On top of this they have always been very supportive and professional and delivered very engaging activities.”
Lina also believes that Northwich will lose out on a range of benefits and services if businesses don’t deliver a yes vote this summer.

“If BID 2 doesn’t get voted for, the town will lose the high quality events and festivals we have seen so far; an agency solely dedicated to the promotion of Northwich as a destination; and positive changes to the high street including cleaning, decorations and landscape improvements.
“There would also be an end to training and support for small businesses which is a great way for retailers to train and upskill their staff. I will have my fingers crossed for a yes vote for Northwich BID 2 and I hope businesses in the town feel the same.”