What’s the background to your business?

As a linguist who has been fortunate enough to travel and live abroad, I’ve always enjoyed the unique heart and soul reflected in a countries’ food and drink. Initially I started my business journey by setting up AB’s Bakery, a fusion bakery inspired by the techniques of Middle Eastern baking and the sophisticated flavours of European patisseries. Wanting to include my love of Argentinian Mate and Arabic Mint Tea I opened a travel themed coffee shop… bringing Abda’s to fruition. We’ve now been in Northwich for coming up to seven years with the aim of providing great tea, coffee and food from around the world in a fun, comfortable space, where everyone is welcome.

We’ve survived COVID and flooding and we’re a big part of the Northwich community, and like to offer a unique experience to our visitors every time they visit.

What does my role on the BID board involve?

I’m vice chair, which means that I help the BID, the project manager and the BID teams and the Chair push the board in the right direction. We want BID to give back to the businesses and give back to the community, but also be that middle person to be able to talk to both sides, making sure that businesses are heard and represented and happy and that we’re working to improving Northwich in the way it deserves.

What is my favourite thing about the Northwich?

I can sum that up in one word, Community. There’s an incredible community in Norwich, I’ve lived in other places, but I’ve never really seen it matched. There’s a real sense of pride, there’s a real sense of bonding together. It’s a really, really beautiful community.

 What would I like to see happen in Northwich over the next five years.

That is a hard one, Northwich has so much potential and it’s sad that it got hit by COVID and flooding. These are things that we can’t control, but I’d like Northwich to continue to revive because it has that potential to have such a bustling town centre. We need to be pushing for improvements in our transport links and making sure that the BID and all businesses have their say on the town centre developments and plans to support that vision.  I’m keen that we look at activity and opportunity for the next generation of Northwich residents and create an inclusive and exciting destination for everyone. The BID needs to continue to work with all partners to do just that. There is a real opportunity to bring the town more together, continuing to grow the events (which are already popular and bring crazy amounts of people in). I’d also like to see surrounding towns and villages see Northwich as their destination of choice. I also think there is opportunity to attract people who aren’t from the area and don’t know Northwich but live close enough to get here easily.