The Northwich Town Council (NTC) has urged businesses to say yes to a second five-year term for the Northwich Business Improvement District (BID).
Over the next month, businesses within the BID area will vote on whether they would like the Northwich BID to continue for a further five years and NTC believe it would be a disaster for the town if retailers said no.
“We would be very disappointed if there wasn’t a BID2,” said Town Clerk Chris Shaw. “Working in partnership with the BID we have achieved so much over the last few years and the plan is to carry on with all the great projects and initiatives within the town.
“By working together with the BID we have been able to stage bigger and better events for the town and it also means we have additional help and support on those days,” Chris added.
He went on to describe how NTC feel that the BID has benefited Northwich in other ways too, while also highlighting what the town could potentially lose if businesses don’t back BID2.
“The Northwich BID has invested so much time and effort in helping to improve the town through street cleansing, the funding of additional Christmas lights, enhanced floral displays within the town centre and hanging baskets.

“They also do a great job of promoting businesses via their social media platforms which inevitably brings in additional footfall.
“A no vote would mean a reduction in the events that take place in Northwich each year, limited floral displays, fewer activities, less town centre cleansing and crucially, businesses would lose a voice.”
Over the past five years the BID has overseen and delivered a range of projects to promote the town and increase footfall including the development of the Visit Northwich website, the running of seasonal Extravaganzas alongside NTC, provision of workshops and training courses for staff of BID businesses and marketing support for externally run events such as the CW9 festival, the Northwich River Festival and activity at Barons Quay.
All of this has helped increase the number of visitors to Northwich as Chris has observed.
“We have definitely noticed an increase in footfall in the town centre in recent years. High streets are struggling throughout the country but I feel that working in partnership with the BID and other organisations, we have made a difference to the town.”

Chris saved his final sentiments for businesses within Northwich, urging owners to back BID2 and get involved with the BID team.
“I would say to businesses vote yes and if the BID is successful yet again get more involved and ask to be on the board.
“The BID is there for businesses so make sure you engage with the BID team and tell them what is most important to you and what you would like to see.”